From time to time I have a nosy at the server logs for this blog. They contain a multitude of boring statistics about the people that visit the site, such as what percentage use Firefox or Internet Exploder, and stuff like that. (I can't tell who you are or nick your bank details unfortunately.) The one source of entertainment in the server stats is the section that tells you what people typed into a search engine to find this site. Any reputable website would use this information to help tailor its content to users' needs. I will therefore try to answer the questions posed in these genuine Google search terms:
adriana stoners legs
I'm not quite sure what you were looking for here. Measurements? Pictures? Quite a few people find this site with search phrases such as adriana stoner and motogp adriana stoner. Popular girl, for some reason. I'd hazard a guess that her striking good looks may have something to do with it.
baby faced assassin stoner
This is why you should stop fantasising about his wife.
damp squib meaning
Try googling "entire 2007 motogp season" or "edwards starting from pole in motogp"
max biaggi finger
He did get whacked in the finger with a stone in a WSBK race at Brno, but that was months ago. Maybe there's something else I'm missing.
max on top
Um, OK. Let's assume you're talking about Max being on the top of the podium, where he has been dozens of times.
jorge lorenzo's helmet
I really don't like where this is going.
leon camier broken leg picture cadwell
Switch off your computer, go to the telephone and call a psychiatrist. I know the primary purpose of the internet is to transmit filth around the world, but you sicken me. Having seen that crash live on TV, I can barely stop myself throwing up at the thought of it.
carl crutchlow how did you start?
Probably by calling himself Cal Crutchlow, not Carl.
ducati 1098r wsbk bending the rules
Whoah, there! Ducati don't bend the rules in World Superbike. Not when they can just get the rules written to their specifications in the first place.
james toseland naked
I'm not sure if I'm more disturbed that somebody searched for this, or that Google told them to come here for more info...
motogp racer height
Mostly very short.
dany pedrosa height moto gp
Even shorter.
motogp doppleganger
Well, it's spelled doppelganger for a start. As for who the identical duo are, I have no idea. Maybe somebody's trying to hire an Uccio lookalike for a private party.
why is hodgson doing ama?
Great question. I believe the answer involves talent and money, not necessarily in that order...
Hopefully these answers have been of some use. I'll keep an eye on those search phrases.
Buriram MotoGP Round At Risk After 2026
1 day ago
Funny. One of the consistently most popular search terms which finds my website is "Nicky Hayden's Girlfriend". A subject about which I both know nothing, nor have I written anything about it.
Google moves in mysterious ways, that's for sure ...
Wierd. Somebody should set up a site about riders girlfriends, there are people out there who are interested!
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